The sneaker trend is definitely one of my favourites. Its probably the comfiest shoe trend!
When I bumped into these old school Vans sneakers at I just needed to order them. I bought my first Vans on high school, I think I was 14 or something, and still got them (already 10 years ago!) so definitely an all time favourite.

This time I chose the high version. With the colours black and white you can’t go wrong. What I really like about the sneaker trend is that you can wear it easily chic and more sporty/casual. This time I combined it with a suit by Asos, a look you can wear easily to work right? What do you think about the sneaker trend and especially the Vans?

Btw you can also buy other Vans at, check them out here!

Text: Laura @ MIXT Photos: Laura @ MIXT You can follow MIXT on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin'