Sometimes it still surprises me how a brand become suddenly super trendy, while you never expected it to be trendy. For example last year Teva sandals became the number #1 sandal to have. I don't think you was thinking about buying a Teva sandal three years ago, right? The same goes for Tommy Hilfiger. Probably the Gigi Hadid campaign was one of the reasons, but Tommy is back again. Sweaters, shirts, jackets..I have to say, when I saw this beanie (got it via Asos) I was also seduced by the trend. But at the same time I think the Tommy trend is something like the Adidas trend. So be warned, I think in a few weeks you will see everyone wearing the Tommy logo. And than I mean everyone. Its up to you if you want to be part of that. I'll stick with the beanie.
Dit mutsje staat je zo leuk! X